Give Up Control

You create your life. And the one problem with creating something is that immediately after you created you become the effect of it. So in order to move on to the future, you have to be able to let go of what you have been creating. Otherwise you get stuck in the past, and that's something you don't want in your transformed life, right? So to start the circle all over again, you have to give up control.

You have ultimate control in that you are allowed to create things. And even after that you have ultimate control in that you are allowed to create the space in which they exists. And even after that you have ultimate control in that you can recreate them to make them disappear. But during that little process you are completely out of control. And the only way to regain control when you are out of control is to be out of control.

It's like body-rafting in a fast streaming river. If you resist the water you will hit a rock, but if you go with the water (be out of control) you go around the rocks. Because water can't go through rocks. So the water is your life and you are in it and you create it! ...And if you still resist the water and hit a rock you will be out of control, ...but that's because the rock knocks you out ;-) 

What you resist is what you become.

About the Author

Joeban Machiel. Life Enthusiast. Possibilizer. Coach.

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